Then the house seemed to lift off its foundation, a fiery cloud ripping the whole thing apart through the roof.
From the fiery cloud of the bomb blast itself, the scene shifted to the devastation it wrought.
The bright orange flashes turned the buildings into huge brick boxes filled with fiery clouds.
The fiery clouds were nearly overhead, and the landscape outside assumed the color of blood.
The north was a mackerel sky of little, fiery golden clouds.
At length the sun came up, when, to their marvelling eyes, the fiery clouds took strange shapes.
The fist of red-white spread across the sky until it was a fiery nebulous cloud.
She was rapt in a frame of fiery clouds.
Sun-Treader seemed to float on a river of fire, beneath a sky of fiery cloud.
"I'd say the whole of Italia would be covered in fiery clouds!"