The demonstrators, he said, were fiercely critical of Germancompanies for shipping arms and poison gas to Iraq.
He helped himself to a cigar and leaned back with a fiercely critical pair of eyes, taking note of the effect which this document would produce.
He is fiercely critical of Christians whose moral rhetoric is not backed up with action.
In May 1991, he published a fiercely critical piece on Alexander Yakovlev.
In the process, he grew fiercely critical of what he saw as modernism's misplaced notion that music could break cleanly from its own history.
The Expositor was a newspaper fiercely critical of Joseph Smith.
This omission provoked a fiercely critical article in the left-leaning daily Liberation.
The revisions were made after officials received more than 1,300 comments, many fiercely critical, on the proposal.
Even the Kadets, though deeply committed to major social reform and full constitutional democracy, were fiercely critical of continued revolutionary activity.
By contrast he was fiercely critical of the treatment Ukrainian settlers had received in South America.