More adventure awaits as they prepare themselves for the upcoming fierce winter.
The fierce winter had now descended upon us.
In the final sequel, the Robinsons celebrate the arrival of spring after surviving a fierce winter.
Perhaps there is some complacency in relying upon a continuing series of winters insufficiently fierce to finish them off.
With the early onset of a fierce winter and the strength of the economy, labor had been thin at best.
To protect the house against fierce winters, Wright sandwiched two extra layers into the walls.
The leather is Ventrian and will stay soft through the fiercest winter.
It has a subalpine climate with strong winds and fierce winters, which are occasionally subarctic.
Here in the United States, fierce winters stop cars and planes cold.
The rains of these years were followed by draught in the 1320s and another fierce winter in 1321, complicating recovery.