Trad could not stay neutral in the fierce political feud between the staunchly pro-French Émile Eddé and the independentist Bechara El Khoury.
They are among tens of thousands of people killed, wounded or displaced in West Africa's fiercest ethnic feud in recent years.
The halakhic debate quickly descended into a fierce and raging legal feud which eventually came to include halakhic giants from Safed and Thessaloniki.
Johnson and Robert Kennedy became so embittered by the experience that they began a fierce personal and political feud that would have grave implications for the Democratic Party in the 1960s.
She was, I learned, the widow of a chief of another tribe the Vupsall had overrun in one of the fierce feuds which kept them from becoming a united people.
In a fierce feud with Saudi Arabia, Iranian officials had initially argued that any significant increase could send prices plunging and would be a capitulation to the United States.
After fierce feuds, Corvey had to pass entitlement to the castle's ownership to Count Otto of Waldeck for good in 1297.
Saint-Point's political writings generated fierce feuds within the Francophone community.
She has also had a fierce feud with local resident Teresa Bryant (Karen Henthorn).
The president of the Serbian republic threatened today to send hundreds of thousands of Serbs to take over the province of Kosovo, the scene of a fierce ethnic feud.