The floor of the Retort lurched in the fierce currents, setting the bodies to rolling.
Within the cloud, fierce currents tossed Picard around like a cork upon the waves.
Into this fierce current of life came Regulus on his summer holidays from Eton.
He was thrown away from the thing, twisted and turned and mauled by the fierce currents, lost in the explosion of sand and sea.
Aquilon reluctantly lowered herself down into the seat, fighting the fierce currents and jolts.
But Seal Haven is a mass of rocks, with fierce currents boiling round them most of the time.
This left me to enjoy the castle heights and the views of barges, struggling against the fierce Danubian currents, on my own.
They were carried away on a fierce current of nothing, flailing uselessly.
If the force of the fall doesn't kill the jumper instantly, the fierce current will sweep him out to sea, to drown or be devoured by sharks.
A battle was one thing, but she didn't like the thought of fighting over water, or being swept away in the Chaloquay's fierce currents.