George has long seen Koll's fierce commitment to winning every argument as a way to assure himself that he is safe from everybody else.
Khun was laughing, as if he had waited all his life for this moment of fierce commitment.
The advantages of the community's fierce commitment to diversity should not be underestimated.
It's in their fierce commitment that they honor Mr. Williams best.
At yet other moments she felt a sense of fierce commitment to life, to not allowing all her mother's sacrifices to be in vain.
How had he fallen so far away from his fierce commitment to saving the world?
The group also had a fierce, ideological commitment to total improvisation delivered through very big speakers.
It was this fierce commitment that - for me - provided the highlight of the World Cup.
We will miss the fierce commitment to excellence, the probing intellect and the love she brought to our community in these 60 plus years.
Something about the counseling experience kindled a fierce commitment to expanding opportunities for the poor in employment and health care.