After a fierce bombardment, Iraqi soldiers pulled back Friday morning from a strategic bridge leading to Mosul.
She then joined the rest of the squadron in the attack on Fort Fisher on 24-25 December, firing over 500 shells in the fierce bombardment.
On 9 May after another fierce bombardment, the final French assault was made.
The day's casualty toll was the highest since an Arab-negotiated truce checked two months of fierce bombardment between the two sides in May.
Today, as television stations provided minute-by-minute coverage of the fierce bombardment of Iraq, Mrs. Hickey allowed them to watch only the talking heads.
Several batteries were installed atop of the hill and a fierce bombardment ensued, being a large number of buildings damaged by the mortar shells.
After a fierce bombardment, the 4th Marine division landed.
The U-boats were subjected to a fierce bombardment as the warships chased down contacts; over 100 depth-charges were expended over a 5 hour period.
Captured Republican Guard members said that fierce aerial bombardment in recent days had caught them by surprise.
The French eventually sent a fleet of sixteen vessels that retook the island after a fierce bombardment.