The arrangement was simple, though the surgical procedure upon which it was based was fiendishly complex.
Tackling the challenges of the economy, energy and the environment is fiendishly complex.
"Any new property tax will of course be fiendishly complex to design in a way that raises serious money without being politically toxic," he noted.
To cook the fish and the couscous, Kump has devised a fiendishly complex broth.
The strategy was fiendishly complex, and his opponent dwelt a long time on each move.
"It's a fiendishly complex building in terms of program and structure," Mr. Koolhaas said.
Before looking in more detail at the poll, let me make very clear that I think the debate over nuclear power is a fiendishly complex one.
The problem is that the pot pourri recipes these books contain are fiendishly complex.
America's trade laws are fiendishly complex.
It's also a fiendishly complex political puzzle, and there may not be much time to decide how to act.