Further research will be needed to develop effective school based health education projects, which should be formally field tested under normal conditions before widespread dissemination.
That's because every tent is field tested before it's sold.
These answers were also correct, yet none of them proved the student's competence in the specific academic field being tested.
The guns were field tested in 1971-1972, and deliveries to the Soviet Army began in 1975.
The device was first field tested in Afghanistan in 2001.
The concept was field tested and improved in Ghana in 2008.
Development began in 1938 with the first rations being field tested in 1940 and wide-scale adoption following soon after.
Military versions of the fuel cells are being field tested by General Dynamics, which reports that results have been encouraging.
In fact, he has field tested many of our prototypes at his facility there in Key West.
Such advances are field tested at the earliest possible time.