Codazzi made explorations in various fields owned by the family Tovar, who had offered to donate them to establish a colony.
They were secured by unusually long-lived producing fields owned by Mesa, where the average life of a well exceeds 15 years.
Mr. Michaels said the blaze burned in a 1,000-by-1,000-foot pile of wood chips and mulch on a field owned by a private company.
Roughly 60 percent of Rosneft's oil production comes from fields once owned by Yukos.
In 1933, the team started playing matches in a field owned by him, the Campo do Carvalhal.
Baseball and softball are played on a field also owned by the college.
They all lived in Indiantown, about 40 miles to the north, and were headed to their jobs at a field owned by the Okeelanta Corporation.
Additionally, Agoco often operates fields owned by other companies.
The area was originally five massive fields owned by various landlords which was then developed into an area .
At the intersection with Woodlawn Avenue it is opposite another athletic field owned by a local school.