In the early 1970s, de Figueiredo introduced approaches for generalized splines for optimal signal based recovery to the field of signal processing.
The Hilbert transform is also important in the field of signal processing where it is used to derive the analytic representation of a signal u(t).
The First and Second World Wars saw major advancements in the field of mass communication and signal processing.
The field of digital signal processing relies heavily on operations in the frequency domain (i.e. on the Fourier transform).
The institute also carries out research in the field of myoelectric signal processing, biomedical instrumentation and human motion analysis.
Rice is noted for its applied science programs in the fields of artificial heart research, structural chemical analysis, signal processing, space science, and nanotechnology.
Peter Stoica is a leading researcher and educator in the field of signal processing and its applications to radar/sonar, communications and bio-medicine.
He is known for his contribution to the field of statistical signal processing applied to system identification, signal estimation, and fault detection.
Kadirkamanathan's primary area of research is in the field of signal and information processing, including signal estimation and fault detection.
The non-probabilistic (deterministic) model has been and is being extensively used for robust optimization especially in the field of signal processing.