As the field of hydrogeology matures, the strong interactions between groundwater, surface water, water chemistry, soil moisture and even climate are becoming more clear.
As the field of interaction design has matured, so has Cooper's message.
As the field of microfluidics matures, it is likely that more attempts to spin fibers will be made using microfluidics.
As the field matured, authors began to integrate ideas gleaned from their peers, and a more comprehensive approach to personal effectiveness began to emerge.
As domestic fields mature, the oil companies have had to use expensive techniques such as injecting water to force more oil out of rock.
Practitioners in emergency management (disaster preparedness) come from an increasing variety of backgrounds as the field matures.
The field of barrel cortex research has matured to the stage where a book has been published on the subject.
First, the field of optimization theory matured and developed mathematical optimization techniques.
Oil prices dropped sharply in the 1980's, many domestic fields matured and hundreds of smaller companies went out of business or were sold.
This field of research, he claims, is maturing as an academic discipline.