First, the nanoparticles were brought close in contact with the tumor cells, and then a spinning magnetic field was applied.
A magnetostrictive material is one which changes shape when a magnetic field is applied.
A piezoelectric material is one which changes shape when an electric field is applied.
In semiconductor detectors, an electric field is applied to the detector volume.
Sedimentation potential has the opposite effect compared to electrophoresis where an electric field is applied to the system.
Typically, the response is very weak and exists only when the magnetic field is applied.
An electric field is applied (typically 1 V/cm) for 20 minutes.
Where this highly concentrated field was applied, a small planet could be blasted out of its orbit.
Rather than boiling out the electrons by heat, they are sucked into the vacuum when an electronic field is applied.
A strong electric field is applied to the solution to charge the polymer strands.