Patients with retinoblastoma demonstrate a variety of long-term visual field defects after treatment for their intraocular disease.
The most common visual field defects include an enlarged blind spot and a scotoma.
Pressure on the optic nerve behind the globe can lead to visual field defects and vision loss as well.
Nevertheless, evidence for the efficacy of cost-effective interventions aimed at these visual field defects is still inconsistent.
Eventually 75% of patients will develop some peripheral field defects.
Pupils with field defects who therefore do not have a complete visual panorama may have difficulties of this kind.
Such field defects (second level from bottom of figure) may have multiple mutations and epigenetic alterations.
Generally, a limited visual field defect, which will be barely noticeable, is all that is likely to occur.
Visual acuity is reduced in half, and over 60% have a visual field defect.
That in turn can cause nausea, visual field defects, arrhythmia- all the neurological deficits we've been seeing.