It started out providing fidelity bonds for the employees of the railways (such as the Grand Trunk Railway) in the 1800s.
Membership entitles the club to the monthly publication "Better Investing," a $25,000 fidelity bond and access to educational materials and programs.
The Corps of Engineers will bond the volunteer with a $5,000 fidelity bond to protect the government from loss of funds.
And some accounting experts think this may require companies to post fidelity bonds with their accountants, increasing the costs of audits.
Mutual Financial says that any customer who lost money will be made whole by the firm's fidelity bond.
Since then, he added, a fidelity bond held by one of the company's investors has paid out $388,000, covering all of the losses.
(A fidelity bond is a form of insurance against white-collar theft.)
Mr. Connor confirmed that Smith Barney has not filed a claim on the fidelity bond since the convictions.
There is no longer any requirement for the trustee to provide a separate fidelity bond for each appointment as trustee that he holds.
The city was ultimately saved by insurance and a fidelity bond.