They were tales of heroism and adventure, both historical and fictitious.
Whenever Boyle is telling fictitious tales of his nonexistent career at sea or pontificating about politics and the church, Joxer is always there to flatter, often by tossing around the all-purpose compliment "darlin'."
The defense witnesses collaborated with the defendants to construct this fictitious tale about a trip to Anna, Illinois.
In Autumn 2001, Evangile selon Judas (Gospel according to Judas), a theological fictitious tale, was published by Gallimard.
The Roman Breviary officially designates the lesson for the day as lectio, and the Catholic Church now may recognize the legend rather as a popular story or a fictitious religious tale.
The album incorporates fictitious tales chronicling the underworld lifestyle of organized crime.
And he can tell a tale, real or fictitious, better than any one I know.
However, public opinion suggests that the stabbing was a personal vendetta and any connection being made to the Moffett case was simply a fictitious tale of revenge.
The works by which he attained his literary reputation were accounts of his travels and fictitious tales illustrative of Eastern life.
The new album, entitled Pills Against The Ageless Ills, was a concept album based on a fictitious tale written by Cornelius.