The novel dealt with a fictitious organization called the Vermont Bureau of Investigation, and was actually quite good.
These were dispatched through a number of fictitious charitable organisations, created to send parcels of games, warm clothing and other small comforts to the prisoners.
In 1995, Doughney registered the domain name for the fictitious organization "People Eating Tasty Animals."
Gray was the face of the leader of a fictitious anti-Amsterdam organization in a print and internet advertising campaign for Amstel beer.
The Brotherhood is a fictitious organization in George Orwell's novel, Nineteen-Eighty Four.
This example assumes that the fictitious organization has an indirect cost agreement from their cognizant agency for 12 percent indirect costs.
The order, which was a purely fictitious organization, had been founded in a series of conversations between the Gran Maestro and the Colonel.
The programmers continued the simulation until there had been a complete staff turnover at their fictitious organization.
Based on the results of this analysis, twenty fictitious German organisations were created, including:
The word might be derived from the Garduña, a fictitious criminal organisation in Spain said to be the precursor of the Camorra.