Fort Duckburg is a fictional place in the fictional state of Calisota.
The fictional state of Malebolgia is described as having been created by recently seceding from another state.
(With Hubinon, the ship would be from a fictional Caribbean state).
All collegiate mock trial cases take place in the fictional state of Midlands, America.
It is an action/adventure thriller based in the fictional African state of Boromundi.
Most of the action takes place in a small fictional state called Hawar, which means either "little camel" or "dispute" in Arabic.
He is sent to the fictional African state of Ishmaelia where a civil war threatens to break out.
A wargame campaign has a focus on military and political activities, generally involving the affairs of entire fictional states.
A fictional African state will suffer from poverty, civil war and disease.
The story is about a reporter sent to Ishmaelia (a fictional African state) by accident.