The show was based on a fictional radio station (described as "Britain's first national local radio station") and the programmes that it might transmit.
The fictional radio station in the recording has the call letters "WORD", so that was printed on the label of the custom record.
This station's call letters were used in the Dean Koontz book "Fear Nothing" as a fictional radio station that employs one of the main characters.
The track-listing gives the names of the fictional radio stations, bands and their tracks, and for some of them the fictional album that they are from.
The songs appear on fictional radio station CSR 103.9 and the soundtrack (released in December, 2004).
He resembled a yellow version of "the animal" with hair, and ran a fictional radio station.
It can be found when listening to the fictional radio station, "The Journey".
Oncyclopedia also has its own fictional radio station (OnRadio)
Radio9 is a surreal comedy sketch show set in a fictional radio station.
It is featured on the fictional radio station 'MSX FM'.