In 1905, Russell had already criticized Alexius Meinong, whose theories led to the paradox of the simultaneous existence and non-existence of fictional objects.
This approach succeeds in assigning a semantics to forcing over V without resorting to fictional generic objects.
The Horn of Valere is a fictional object in Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time.
A power ring is a fictional object featured in comic book titles published by DC Comics.
Other fictional magical objects have no explained past, but again, the more clearly they can be described by the author, the more believable they will be to the reader.
As mecha are fictional humanoid objects, there is considerable leeway for custom models and "kitbashes."
The Destroyer is a fictional object that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics.
The Cosmic Cube is the name of a fictional object that appears in the Marvel Universe.
A fictional object?
The Luggage, fictional object (or organism)