Journals including RPS often include disclaimers that explain their true fictional nature.
There was no indication of the fictional nature of the story, an approach very unusual in British newspapers except on 1 April.
They also stated that, had they anticipated the audience reaction, they would have made its fictional nature clearer.
Jack and Pontius then work with the citizens of Holey to attempt to cover up the book's fictional nature.
Despite its evidently fictional nature, it is the trumped-up romantic version that holds sway today.
But scholars like Robert B. Tate defend the fictional and medieval nature of Hispan.
However, the show did not initially reveal its fictional nature to its audience.
Similarly,Textermination exposes the fictional nature of readings of texts.
Ficciones emphasizes and calls attention to its fictional nature.
Žižek therefore celebrates Kieślowski as a great artist for maintaining an aesthetic approach which insists on the fictional nature of truth and reality.