The story follows Ellie Linton, one of eight teenagers waging a guerrilla war against an invading foreign power in their fictional hometown of Wirrawee.
Kyle is a fourth grade student who commonly has extraordinary experiences not typical of conventional small-town life in his fictional hometown of South Park, Colorado.
They live in their fictional hometown of Swellville.
The original game is centered around Jake and Jennifer Eagle's fictional hometown of Richview.
Indeed, in some ways the Simpsons' fictional hometown, Springfield, has become a surrogate for mainstream, small-town America, with Homer its bumbling working-class hero.
Mapleton is near Nancy's fictional hometown of River Heights.
Myra and her husband Oswald return to their fictional hometown of Parthia, Illinois, to visit their relatives.
But the plot of this show, "Half a World Away," deals with the writer himself and his return to his fictional hometown.
In Neptune, Veronica's fictional hometown, however, a student-parent dalliance, a date rape and a murder dominate the machine-gun-quick conversation.
This is also the first book in the series that takes place in a location outside of their fictional hometown of Greenlawn, Connecticut.