He suspected her alleged feminine problems were fictions, invented to once more disrupt the off-again, on-again trip.
And yet, she pondered further, what is the past but a fiction, invented by a mind in order to go on functioning?
In the novel it is not clear whether Big Brother is (or was) a real person or a fiction invented by the Party to personify itself.
Rishala is a devout believer in a fiction invented by her ancestors as a means of social regulation and mass deception.
Jules Verne acknowledges in the epilogue that the described effect of oxygen is a pure fiction invented by him.
Chas and Concentrism, however, were pure fiction, having been invented by Beckett to mock pedantry.
Or is this a fiction invented by proponents of "Asian values" seeking to justify limits on civil liberties and political participation?
Both of these letters, of course, are fictions invented by Swift.
Forsythe(2005) considers the mutiny a fiction invented by later Roman writers to provide context for the important laws that were passed this year.
The book is yet another aspect of Lovecraft's fiction, invented as a mere plot device.