An anthology of fiction and poetry inspired by Barbie, (prettily printed on pink paper!)
Boal defended himself to the press, saying "the film is a work of fiction inspired by many people's stories."
Not surprisingly, the fiction inspired by this faith is long on technology and moralizing, short on characterization and imagination.
In fiction inspired by a painting, a woman falls in love with an itinerant water diviner.
The Mercury article is a fiction inspired by the erroneous belief that the Eleanor Cross stood at this position.
It was, however, fiction inspired by events in the life of Alexander Selkirk.
Authors such as Phyllis Haislip have written fiction inspired by the history of the contraband slaves.
Works of fiction inspired by the Whitechapel murders arose immediately after the atrocities were committed.
It is a work of historical fiction, inspired by the Old English Maldon fragment.
It is a work of fiction inspired by his experience in the RAID unit.