A dietary survey (concentrating on fibre intake) has been completed.
You should also drink more fluids because increasing fibre intake without enough liquid can make constipation worse.
It is therefore better to regulate and moderate daily fibre intake.
Excessive fibre intake can also contribute to nutrient and drug interactions.
Those allowing themselves 1,500 calories daily might reach a fibre intake of 50g daily.
To maintain fibre intake at an adequate level, it is best to have carbohydrate foods in 'whole' form.
(These scores may be somewhat higher than normal as, before joining the study, some patients had already been encouraged to take a high fibre intake.)
We had increased our fibre intake and we were eating more fish, fruit and vegetables.
I recommend Stewart Lee keep his fibre intake up to prevent any further problems from diverticulitis.
You will need to drink more water than usual when you increase your fibre intake.