Nish woke from a feverish sleep to find Flydd looming over him.
But the attackers themselves lay in huddles all over the room, twitching as though in feverish sleep.
He drifted finally back into a feverish sleep and dreamed again of water.
She had fallen into a light, almost feverish sleep.
She ached to see him suffering and was relieved when, towards the evening, he fell into a feverish sleep.
The burning midday sun roused him from a feverish sleep.
They woke him from a thick, feverish sleep, men masked in armor, whom he at first did not recognize.
I might have been caught in a feverish sleep and was now healed of my dis- temper.
The lad then fell into a kind of feverish sleep, and the reporter and Pencroft remained near the bed.
Upon waking from his feverish sleep, he had announced that he was hungry.