Clostan came in several times that day, and yet her fever persisted.
He'd been popping aspirin tablets every few hours, but the fever persisted.
As a rough guide, if a fever persists more than a day or two in a child under 2 years then consider seeking advice.
When untreated, typhoid fever persists for three weeks to a month.
Tell your doctor if your pain or fever persists or worsens.
Even with appropriate antibiotic therapy, fevers often persist for weeks or months, and patients may continue to develop new lesions even while on appropriate treatment.
If the fever persists despite stopping all TB medication, then the fever is not due to the drugs.
The fever persisted.
Though the fever persisted, he did not have an obvious infection.
If your son's fever persists more than a day or two, you'd better take him to the doctor again.