Sure, your back just could be achy and tight from the flu, but an unresponsive fever accompanied by back pain also could be a sign of a serious infection.
The miasmatic effluvia which rise from the river during the night bring on an intermittent fever, or paludism, often of great severity, accompanied by unendurable headaches.
The work - virtuosic, narcissistic, corrosive, slight - has a hectic feel, like a fever accompanied by chills, and it lines up in intriguing ways with the current trends in contemporary art.
I put in the dark watches imitating a donkey with some success, but little pleasure; and in the afternoon I indulge in a smart fever, accompanied by aches and shivers.
If you become ill with fever accompanied by cough or difficulty in breathing, you should consult a physician.
I had had a dangerously high fever, accompanied by dreadful headache and-so far as I could tell from Malva's excited account-convulsions.
A high fever lasting several days, accompanied by a variety of other symptoms, has been sending people in the New York metropolitan area home from work and school in droves.
People with infectious pneumonia often have a productive cough, fever accompanied by shaking chills, shortness of breath, sharp or stabbing chest pain during deep breaths, and an increased respiratory rate.
Next morning, the old man was in a raging fever accompanied with delirium; and sinking under the influence of this disorder he lay for many weeks in imminent peril of his life.
A telltale sign is a fever accompanied by a lack of sweat.