The idea of the show was that they "dropped in on a light" to every Soviet family to share the festive table beyond the TV glass.
Dreijer makes a cameo appearance as a woman wearing an Elizabethan ruff while dining alone at a festive table.
Still the creatures at the festive tables sat in silence.
My paternal grandmother, a devout, sturdy German-American from the Middle West, put one on the festive table every December.
Turkey is flown in with the weekly food supplies, while in Tripoli some enterprising expats even breed turkeys specifically for the festive table.
A popular decoration on the festive table was a swan and many different kinds of meat.
Her naïve painting represents all the natural, gorgeous and good things which make the happiness of simple people : animals, fruits, flowers, festive tables, nudes.
Grass-snake is important mythological creature which crawls on festive table and hallows food.
We're there only for cheese and chocolate, both vital to the French festive table.
Cold pork, cabbage and pickle graced the festive table.