Also sponsors the O2 wireless festivals in London and Leeds each year.
The festival also sponsors an ongoing concert series in Regina throughout the year.
In previous years the site has been used for a number of events such as a BIE sponsored international botanical festival, Les floralies.
(The festival also sponsors free theater, cabaret productions and a variety of special events, new play readings and workshop projects in various spaces around town.)
The festival now sponsors a yearly event celebrating the creation of the Movie Theater in Buffalo.
The festival sponsors the Independent Pilot Competition to showcase original television pilots to industry executives.
A free festival of music, drama and other arts sponsored by Pathmark.
In February 1994, the festival sponsored a splinter project in Hollywood, Florida.
Finally, every year the festival sponsors one work of contemporary art at the Chapelle St. Louis de la Salpetriere.
The festival also sponsors a competition for young pianists, the Dorothy MacKenzie Awards.