Bruce Moores chaired the festival committee in 2012.
It was anticipated that the venue would be filled by parents and relatives which prompted the festival committee not to release tickets to the general public.
However, the festival committee would not allow him to conduct and instead he appeared (unsuccessfully) as a tenor soloist.
"There will be continuous dancing, entertainment, food and drink," said Joe Hanley, chairman of the festival committee.
The festival committee aims to stimulate economic growth and happiness in the community.
Local Mela Samiti or festival committee takes care of event.
However, the festival committee always maintained that no pigs (apart from ones eaten) were harmed during the festival.
The festival committee states that the award "can help to make talented female artists more visible in the international film environment and hopefully inspire other women."
Students hold it every end of September through a festival committee.
This is the head of the festival committee, Yamamura Jichisai.