Nationalism was used by their leaders to generate public support in Germany, already a nation where fervent nationalism was prevalent.
I have come to the conclusion that this fervent nationalism is what makes Americans uncomfortable with soccer.
He became a Quaker, a pacifist who combined fervent Palestinian nationalism with equal devotion to a peaceful two-state solution.
Passion is being stirred by a perceived injustice involving Olympic speedskating as much as by fervent nationalism over soccer.
As in Vietnam, impatience with Marxism is mixed with a genuine, and often fervent, nationalism.
We must appreciate that the church is united within and beyond the country's borders and is capable of espousing a fervent nationalism.
45 Obedience is not only the first law of God, but also the first tenet of a revolution- ary party and of fervent nationalism.
In a spirit of fervent nationalism he advocates government by executive fiat.
She left her husband, who had disagreed with her fervent nationalism, in 1917, although he continued to lend her his support.
The Olympic Village has often been a stage for the kind of fervent nationalism that Olympics founders had hoped to avoid.