The group attracted fervent interest, termed "Beatlemania", during tours of the UK and Europe throughout the next year.
The lady in whom you take so fervent an interest is no doubt asleep in her cell at this hour.
Her fervent interest was in the world of prehistory.
Mr. Goldberg, for his part, seemed almost surprised that the Ovitz trial would generate such fervent interest.
But the fervent interest appeared limited, as many gun stores across the nation reported little unusual activity after the ban's expiration.
She shares his fervent interest in studying birds and other wildlife.
Many of the patrons are young college-educated professionals and those with a fervent interest in their Irish heritage.
The fervent interest in Comparator Systems and other small stocks troubled some analysts.
He used to play for the Dolphins, was cut by Coach Jimmy Johnson and had a particularly fervent interest in defeating Miami.
He developed a fervent interest in the game, even greater than in making movies, and says the experience "had such an influence on his life".