Of the 13 states that require coverage of fertility procedures, only a few have laws strong enough to force insurance companies to pay for them.
In other words, some parents had the painful and expensive fertility procedure for the express purpose of having children with a defective gene.
As with most fertility procedures, success depends on the couple's age and the woman's egg quality.
Mr. Bennett's daughter, he said, had undergone the fertility procedure to get pregnant.
Since 1981 more than 40,000 American babies have been conceived and born with the help of clinical fertility procedures.
Prior to expensive fertility procedures, many women and couples turn to online sources to determine their chances of success.
We don't do fertility procedures here, but we see a fair amount of multiple births.
And the technique enjoys the highest success rate of all fertility procedures.
If approved, it would be Italy's first law regulating artificial fertility procedures.
"When the season ended last year, we did some fertility procedures," he said.