A perennially fertile subject gets a varied workout in this engaging lobby show of paintings and sculpture.
In fact, one of the most fertile subjects is the opposite of fear and greed.
Gilbert's selection of aesthetic poet rivals proved to be a fertile subject for topsy-turvy treatment.
This is a fertile subject of research right now, and we're not exactly clear what causes these, or other similar behavioral preferences.
The Washington Post runs an across-the-top feature on the fertile subject of D.C. bureaucracy and plays impeachment as a lead just beneath.
Portraiture and identity issues make fertile subjects for metaphorical approaches.
One of the most fertile subjects of contemporary European cinema is the desolation of contemporary European life.
Perhaps because of this congruence, ill-advised marriages have been one of fiction's most fertile subjects, ever since Squire B. abducted Pamela.
The Scottish parliament has proved a fertile subject: "low on politics, high on sleaze".
Polyominoes have fostered significant research in mathematics and are a fertile subject for logic puzzles and recreational mathematics.