During the middle third of the nineteenth century, Ohioans began to clear the forests of the Great Black Swamp region, revealing fertile prairies.
Most of the region is made up of an extremely fertile, level prairie that the locals call la Depresión intermedia (Intermediate Depression).
Hazeltine was drawn to the site because of its abundant water power, fertile prairies, and its proximity to the geographical center of Richland County.
The flat, fertile prairie of the Great Plains stretches to the west, interrupted by a highland region in the southeast.
The fertile prairies of Argentina.
A variant spelling is Palouse, which was the source of the name for the fertile prairie of Washington and Idaho.
Noble forests, fertile prairies, hills and sky-tinted lakes and streams provide well their yields of necessity and beauty.
Others, like Frank Lloyd Wright, envisioned it dispersed in "broadacres," spread across the fertile prairie, each citizen given a plot of land.
The bumper crops of wheat grown on these fertile prairies brought a flood of homesteaders to the prairies and prosperity to Verndale.
"The scouts say this river we're camped on leads down to a nice, fertile prairie," she said glumly.