"And because of that, a lot of fertile couples were uncovered that otherwise never would have paired off, right?"
That is an incorrect assumption for two reasons: first, the most fertile couples will get pregnant first.
Indian surrogates have been increasingly popular with fertile couples in industrialized nations because of the relatively low cost.
That making a barren couple fertile in this artificial way was an act of hubris for which the couple, the scientists and society would have to pay.
For example, a fertile couple may use contraception to experience sexual pleasure (recreational).
When fertile couples try to conceive by having intercourse at the appropriate time in the woman's cycle, the conception rate is only 20 percent.
Some forms of ART are also used in fertile couples for genetic reasons.
But if the ring truly lives for you, if it has begun to choose fertile couples for you, then perhaps the rumors are true.
And a growing number of fertile couples are using in vitro fertilization to gain greater control over the genetic makeup of their children.