The beach on the northwest edge of the island was recommended by our ferry captain.
"There was just nothing to say," said Saleh Songoro, 42, a ferry captain who saved 15 people with his own vessel.
He came from a family of sailors; his older brother Martin was one of Delagard's ferry captains.
He was captured after being spotted by a ferry captain.
At a public telephone in the little terminal, the ferry captain asked the operator for police headquarters.
It was later found that the ferry captain was at fault.
The ferry captain was forced to turn in his pilot's license.
Theodore Costa, a ferry captain from 1951 to 1995, recalled performing an onboard marriage for a couple who had brought along a violinist.
When it arrived, the high seas forced the ferry captain to give up on his attempt to dock.
The ferry captain radioed for help when a passenger saw an empty canoe drifting in the middle of nowhere.