But when it comes to a comfort factor that keeps diners ferociously loyal and sends them blissfully on their way, Union Square still sits on top of the heap.
His followers, who number between 3,000 and 10,000, are well drilled, heavily armed and ferociously loyal.
He was ferociously loyal to and protective of his vessel, a mother hen with teeth, and he was quick to repri- mand or even assault anyone who mistreated her.
If Coke has the "drawback" of ferociously loyal consumers, it also has some special advantages.
Jane intimated that their marriage had been a rocky one but that Mrs. Pollock was ferociously loyal to her husband's work as a painter.
Even though Albert has been known to take advantage of Pogo's generosity, he is ferociously loyal to Pogo and will, in quieter moments, be found scrubbing him in the tub or cutting his hair.
He is ferociously loyal to Philip; he has no desire to be King.
And in Mrs. Alter, 56, clients find an advocate who is widely regarded as canny, feared and ferociously loyal, which is not to say that she is universally beloved.
Randy M. Mastro, a former deputy mayor who was viewed as one of Mr. Giuliani's most ferociously loyal aides, will head the panel.
"She tries her best; she's ferociously loyal to the school."