But Bidart is less concerned with a formally achieved "poise" than with those "ferocious" forces.
As long as there'd been more places to search, more possible people to contact, Phil had been a silent, ferocious force of nature sweeping all before her.
The words were barely out of the lad's mouth when another shell burst through the port and exploded with ferocious force directly inside the gun deck.
This Newton beautification committee is a ferocious force of human nature.
The lion trigram is characterized by powerful and ferocious full-body force generated from the waist.
She gasped, and jerked in her seat, and cried out as if she had been hit with ferocious force by an invisible enemy.
Instead of simply valorizing or sentimentalizing the imagination, Diehl gives it its due as a ferocious, drug-like force.
Trinket made a feeble attempt to reply, but the Leader merely walked towards him and kicked him with ferocious force high into the air.
From the archives of Discovery: Check out this historical re-enactment of a siege by the Mongolian Horde, one of history's most ferocious military forces.
They were hoping that Tyson would be the ferocious force that he had been before his two losses to Holyfield.