The feral herds of a long-gone race, which have outlasted their unknown masters.
The feral herds grew as horses escaped and were released from sheep stations and cavalry bases.
Until the mid-20th century, the feral herds of Landais continued to maintain their populations, with some members being caught for use or sale.
Jeanie was a donkey, and among the feral herds that roam the island, possibly still is.
In some modern mustang herds there is clear evidence of other domesticated horse breeds having become intermixed with feral herds.
Encouraging viewing of feral herds may also have potential as a tourist attraction.
It is most likely the only feral herd of horses residing in Africa.
There are feral herds of Bactrian camels in Australia.
They were managed mainly as feral herds, rounded up by locals when horses were needed, and this tradition continued into the 20th century.
A feral herd of donkeys established on Ponui Island, New Zealand.