Flowers that were planted on the graves have been pulled up, and fences erected to protect the ornaments have been tossed away.
In the future, with the fence erected, there are no aliens to do the menial work on Earth and Nixon assigns those tasks to the robots.
Consequently, the inner German border between the two German states was closed, and a barbed-wire fence erected.
Clinton lamented Americans' growing alarm about rising crime rates, mentioning a Washington housing project where guards were hired and a fence erected to keep criminals out.
Before the wall went up, only a chain-link fence erected more than half a century ago separated the two countries at this part of the border.
Mr. Gunnin said the cemetery was cleaned up and a chain-link fence erected - not a legal requirement, but out of respect for the dead.
Together we managed to have the lot cleared, cleaned, a fence erected and a garden created.
One thousand people donated a pound each, the tombstone was raised and a fence erected around the grave.
He found himself straddling that fence he had erected between his two best friends.
They were dissatisfied with the fence erected at a demonstration site on Wan Chai's waterfront.