Males and females of X. grandis do not exhibit a significant difference in femur length or head shape.
Metriacanthosaurus was a medium-sized theropod with a femur length of eighty centimetres.
The diagnosis can be made by fetal ultrasound by progressive discordance between the femur length and biparietal diameter by age.
Its hindlimbs are relatively long for an ankylosaur, with a right femur length of 555 millimetres with the holotype.
They give information on the rest of the skeleton; the femur length was up to 1.35 m. (4.5 ft).
For instance, tibia length will vary with femur length and also with humerus and ulna length and even with measurements of the head.
Parahongshanornis is a small species with a femur length of twenty-four millimetres.
Anatomical atlases minutely gave femur lengths, cranial angles, eye color to an angstrom, hair thickness to a micron.
Staurikosaurus differs from Herrerasaurus because of its considerably smaller size (femur length of 23 cm vs. 47 cm).
In 1994, using the related Diplodocus as a reference, Gregory S. Paul estimated a femur length of 3.1-4 m (10-13 ft) for A. fragillimus.