It is covered in by a strong aponeurosis which extends from the vastus medialis, across the femoral vessels to the adductor longus and magnus.
Iliopsoas bursitis is inflammation of a bursa (synovial sac) lying between iliopsoas muscle and hip joint, lateral to femoral vessels.
The lowest (often referred to as the adductor hiatus) is large, and transmits the femoral vessels to the popliteal fossa.
The branch to the Vastus medialis descends lateral to the femoral vessels in company with the saphenous nerve.
Ben was aware of them cutting the femoral vessels in his groin.
This must be remembered when venous or arterial samples are required from the femoral vessels.
It is more anterior than the saphenous vein and is outside the femoral vessels plan.
"Its location suggests the femoral vessels surely would have been spared, so bleeding would have been minimal."
Lateral to the femoral vessels it is intimately connected to the posterior margin of the inguinal ligament, and is continuous with the transversalis fascia.
They lie deep to Camper's fascia which overlies the femoral vessels at medial aspect of the thigh.