I am amazed that a bixsexual feminist would criticise identity politics!
Other feminists have criticized these views as being anti-men.
You honestly think feminists don't criticise ads like these?
Even feminists have criticized the phrase's perky naivete.
For decades, feminists have criticized moral conservatives who blame women for untimely pregnancies and abortions.
However, some feminists criticized the show, asserting that it propagated the image of a subservient housewife.
Some liberal feminists and individualist feminists have criticized the notion of sexual harassment.
Some feminists also criticize this belief, arguing instead that gender roles are societal constructs, and are not related to any natural factor.
Some feminists criticised his traditional positions on the roles of women, which included rejecting women priests.
And feminists have criticized Cosmopolitan for perpetuating young women's potential feelings of inadequacy so that the magazine can play a role in making them feel better.