But in another way it was easy, she said, because the Solstice uses classic feminine shapes while the Sky is more masculine.
His bubble skirts and odd, feminine, yet ultra-modern shapes were trademarks of the house.
Women like the attitude, the jagged counterpoint of tooled leather over more feminine shapes.
In come softer and more feminine shapes for women with an emphasis on good design and classic cuts.
It drifted around the stone pile to our prisoners, waning till I could discern a feminine shape inside.
The exhibition focuses on the artist's lifelong affection for the organic, serpentine, feminine shape.
She wore more relaxed clothes and had a far more feminine shape.
Then their interest turned briefly to the limousine and the vague feminine shape behind the tinted windows.
Data focused on the wavering light and could make out the silhouette of a feminine shape that accompanied the voice.
Most important, perhaps, is the change in emphasis from severe to gently feminine shapes.