They were likewise always feminine, and acted as the feminine counterpart of the an-stems.
Pawos are typically described in consort with khandros, their feminine counterparts.
She still didn't understand that it was more than some stupid kind of play acting, a feminine counterpart of military foppery.
The three symbolic figures appearing in it represent masculine values, with their feminine counterparts and Grace presiding over them both.
Compare this to how his feminine counterpart, Ma'at was the force which maintained the Universe.
She is indeed the feminine counterpart of that most perfect of all pianists, Paderewski.
This declension is the feminine counterpart of the an declension.
Its feminine counterpart is Loktionova It may refer to one of the following persons.
The feminine counterpart of this name is Amatullah.
Today's most successful female rappers have adopted the image of the "ho" as a feminine counterpart in criminality.