Around the age of 8 however, boys begin to show males-devaluing feminine behavior.
Physical punishment from Kraig's father is named as one of the primary consequences for feminine behaviour at home.
Apparently this society rewarded feminine behavior even in men, and she should have expected it.
For instance, one study showed only a minority of parents (20%) tried to stop their fa'afafine sons from engaging in feminine behavior.
Maybe it's nothing more than evidence of a zero-sum Hollywood equation linking masculine and feminine behavior.
My mom had very definite opinions about feminine behavior, and I have to say that there was a placidness to women in the 50's.
Maybe that's what had rankled poor Catherine so; she'd raised a child who didn't conform to the acceptable standards of feminine behavior.
Only in the insect or animal worlds are there comparable models for feminine behavior.
Cultural notions of feminine behaviour probably act to conceal deviance in women.
Around the age of 8 however, boys begin to adhere to and appreciate the social expectations for males-devaluing feminine behavior.