Indeed, she saw only female youths and adults, tending chores amid the barns and shelters.
In this village there is a higher male youth population than female youth as 30:2 probable ratio.
Just as much of the discussion of youth had excluded female youth, they were also almost entirely about white male youth.
It caters for male and female youth ranging from 9 years to 18 years of age.
The work depicts two groups of male and female Spartan youths exercising, though the subject matter of the painting has, in recent times, been challenged.
The series was geared towards female youth to indicate that some previously male-only careers have opened to women.
On the protected semi-secured treatment there is a total capacity of 140 youth: male, female and mixed.
Nothing boyish about her in her youth; resolutely female.
The group has a very active leadership catering for both male and female youths in the town in different sections.