He would play all the parts, including the female ones.
The result is history presented in a way it's seldom seen: through teenage eyes, and female ones at that.
Others worked for "children's companies", in which all roles, not just the female ones, were played by boys.
The other two judges (the female ones, of course) were once again nicer.
But then the male and female ones have different names.
There is already substantial pressure on film actors, especially young female ones, to take their clothes off for the camera.
Expect there'll be more later on; probably some female ones.
At this time of year, you can tell male plants from female ones, which are sprinkled with red berries.
"The male stones are what ye use, though; the female ones don't work."
However, some readers, especially young, female ones, may find themselves tempted to tell the 57-year-old author: Dream on.